LEAD TEACHERS at Lil Brilliant Mindz

Company Name
Lil Brilliant Mindz
Job Title
Company Location
Detroit, MI 48213
Contact Information
Required Education
College Degree
Rate Range
$15 hour
Job Description

An early childhood teacher may perform the following tasks:

Assist children with their toileting and other personal matters

Attend to sick children and those in need of first aid

Comfort children who are hurt or distressed

Discuss with parents and other educators aspects of the child's development


Discuss with parents the aims of the education program

Early childhood teachers plan and conduct education programs for young children.

Encourage children to question and explore the world in which they live

Help integrate children with special needs into mainstream classes

Help to organize and participate in excursions to enhance learning experiences

Observe children to evaluate and record their progress, and recommend appropriate programs for further development and to detect signs of developmental disorder, ill health or emotional disturbance

Participate in community activities and parent/staff committees

Plan activities using a variety of materials and equipment to develop good coordination, social skills, creativity, self-expression and an interest in learning

Promote an awareness and appreciation of the multicultural society in which we live

Promote health and safety concepts and social interaction with other children

Promote language development and self-confidence through storytelling, drama, music and discussions

Supervise and work with student teachers and trainee childcare workers.

Work with guidance officers, speech pathologists and psychologists to assist children with special needs

Job Requirements

A bachelor’s degree or higher education is basic plus passing the state’s certification or accreditation as an educator

Passing an accreditation for a Specialist Education in any of the six areas of disability, with Early Childhood Education (ECSE) as relevant to this position.

2-3 years of experience in a similar management capacity is an advantage.

How to Apply
Contact Angela Hayes at (313) 854-5947