Child Care Resumes Oregon Resumes Resume Detail for Loren Tockey

Loren Tockey, a Special Needs Child Care in Sublimity, OR 97302
Contact Phone
My goal is to be able to provide the most good for the community. I feel as though I am highly gifted at helping others become empowered as well as living the life they would like to live. In my previous career and educational experience, I have had a great deal of training and education involving those with special needs. I am seeking a position in which I will utilize analytical skills and exceptional communication experience while remaining in the field of behavioral health. I have exceptional communication skills, with all different communication styles.

I am currently a Personal Agent, or case manager, for adults with Intellectual and Developmental Disabilities. This position is very fulfilling, as I can advocate and empower adults who may or may not have been previously discouraged from various aspects of living the life they want to live. I also have over 2 years of experience as a one on one aid, in my previous position as a Behavioral Therapist at the Center for Autism and Related Disorders. In this position I was required to find different ways of verbal and nonverbal communication with children diagnosed on the autism spectrum.

Rate Range
15.00 per hour
Skills and Certification

Communication - throughout my education and employmen experience I have learned to communicate with people using all different means of communication. I am a great active listener.

Adovacy - in my current position I have been able to advocat for people who have historically not done this for themselves.

Oregon State University
Human Development and Family Sciences
Additional Information
I am passionate about helping others, through education. I would love to meet with you to talk about how I would be able to help you and your family.